The American Society of Neuroimaging began discussing its wish to develop a Journal to serve the Society in the 1980s. In 1990, Dr. Leon Prockop was selected as the Founding Editor-in-Chief and Little Brown as the Publisher. The inaugural issue of the new Journal of Neuroimaging (JON), the official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging, was published in 1991.
The contract was renegotiated in the 1990's with Little Brown shortly before the Medical Journals division was sold to Lippincott Publishers. Dr. Prockop and his editorial board served a second four-year term as allowed by the ASN By-Laws.
Dr. Larry Wechsler served as the second Editor-in-Chief. Sage Publication came on as the new publisher on July 17, 2000.
In January 2006, the ASN made a strategic decision to move the Journal of Neuroimaging to Wiley Publishing, the world's largest society publisher.
Dr. Rob Bakshi is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Neuroimaging.